Interactive Mapping

Our interactive map of Gray historic sites is a work in progress. We encourage submission of additional locations, images, and/or descriptions of additional historic sites.

Here’s an initial list of properties we hope to add to this map. This list – including the location descriptions – is from a map of historic locations created in 1977; other locations can most certainly be added.

For each location, we will need a street address or GPS coordinates [even approximate location is helpful], a good quality digital photo, and a description of the property. We’d also like to include resident memories about a property whenever possible.

Please use our contact form to submit contributions and/or suggestions.

  • “Old Cook House”, Patience Karlson home on east side of Portland Rd. south of Whitney Rd., a Cape Cod with pin construction and hewn beams, which date it to before 1825. 53. Interurban Railroad Station, served 1914-1933, on Yarmouth Rd. Now a private home with addition
  • 1776 farmhouse, was Jim Gillies’ home, Yarmouth Rd. Sold c. 1999.
  • 9 Brown St., now Helen Davis’ home, built late 1800’s.
  • Boarding house for Mayall Mills workers in 1800’s, built by W. Beebe
  • Bob Niss Cape style on north side of Rte. 202, 1750-1800. Bay window is a late addition.
  • Brick house, top of Hunt’s Hill. Mid -1800’s.
  • Charles Pennell house, 31 Main St., c. 1803-1808.
  • Cobb/Walter Gothic Revival house, Dutton Hill Rd., late 1800’s.
  • Colley Farm/Webb, 1700’s. Still occupied by Colley descendents.
  • Congregational Church, 1900.
  • Currently Geo. Pulkkinen farmhouse, 1800’s. Center Rd.
  • Douglass house, mansard roof, 1876.
  • Farwell House, Portland Rd. Cape style, possibly latter 1700’s.
  • Goff House, brick Italianate, near corner of Mayall and Depot Rds., same builder as Pennell Institute. 1870’s.
  • Greek Revival cape on Long Hill Rd., mid 1800’s. Bay window on side a late addition.
  • Greek Revival house, latter 1800’s. South side of Rte. 202.
  • House on corner of Rte. 202 and Totten Rd., currently Clark house, mid 1800’s.
  • Hunt/Wood House, Hunt’s Hill, 1797.
  • Jedediah Libby farmhouse, east side of Old Portland Rd., now Center Rd. Built in 1874 with Greek Revival details on site of earlier home of Royal T. Nash.
  • John Huston home, across from #46, 1800-1849. Late addition bay.
  • Libby House on north side of Rte. 202, rural Federal, c. 1790’s-early 1800’s. Currently painted red.
  • Mansard-roofed home, south side of Rte. 202 near town line. 1870’s.
  • Noyes/Skilling house, north side of Rte. 202. Latter 1700’s -1800s.
  • Original site of Dry Mills Schoolhouse, built 1858, moved to site on Game Farm Road. See #54.
  • Orin Whitney farm on west side of Portland Rd., 1800’s. Previous owner, Wilbur Hill.
  • Probable site of old blockhouse, 1700’s.
  • Qinnegan Lodge, on Quinnegan Rd., Cape style, 1700’s.
  • Site of Gray Fair and racetrack, 1884-1902.
  • Site of old corn cannery.
  • Small (currently red) Cape Cod style house on north side of Yarmouth Road, said to be built in 1760’s. Bay window added.