TA-DAH!! It’s done! Come by and visit us any Thursday morning between 9:30AM and 12:30PM – or by appointment – to see our newly expanded and renovated Fire/Rescue Museum AND the vintage 1933 fire truck.
Featuring our very own 1933 Chevrolet fire truck. Our community deserves applause for the outcome of this expansion project!
Gray Historical Society envisioned an addition to the original firehouse at One Main Street to house this vintage truck, bringing it back to its first Gray “home”. The new space features one wall of showcase windows, effectively enhancing an historic landmark Gray property.
We needed YOU to make this work. It took a community to:
- Showcase & preserve our vintage 1933 Chevrolet Fire Truck
- Celebrate & honor our hometown heroes
- Commemorate & preserve the history of Gray Fire Rescue
Gray’s 1933 fire truck was the first motorized fire apparatus in the Gray Fire Department. It wasn’t until the great fire of 1921 and another major fire in 1927 in the village area, that burned and threatened many structures that citizens and town officials realized that a pumper truck was needed. Finally in 1933 a truck was purchased and housed in the original fire house in Gray village. The truck now known as the 33’ antique was active for more than 25 years, responding to fires from the brick fire house at 1 Main Street.
Since then, the ’33 antique has been under the care of the Gray Fire Rescue Department Association members. The truck has undergone a major restoration and has been active in special events and parades in and around Gray. The Gray Historical Society plans to bring the 33’ antique back to the village, and showcase it in an addition to the existing fire museum at the historical society building. The 14’ by 28’ addition will feature large glass windows on the west Gray side of the wood and brick faced structure. The addition of the museum created additional space for fire department history.
The ’33 antique is now “home” and displayed for all to see. The truck will continue under the care of the fire department association and be taken out for events and parades.
Donations to support the ongoing work of the Gray Historical Society are cheerfully encouraged.