George Thomas Hill
Tower Publishing Company, 1978
411 Pages
About the Author
George T. Hill was born in Gray on April 7th, 1891, the son of Luther W. Hill and Mabel F. (Cobb) Hill. Through his mother, a descendant of the early settlers of the town, and her close friend, Mrs. Florence Hunt Libby Nelson, recognized as the town’s historian of her generation and author of The New Gloucester Book, he acquired in his youth an interest in and knowledge of local history.
He and his brother, James Frank Hill, were instrumental in founding the Gray Historical Society in 1960 and in establishing its museum.

Author’s Foreword
This book is not intended as a definitive history of the town of Gray. Although not limited to material on the early days of the settlement, little space has been devoted to the period after 1990. In view of this, the designation Volume I has been used with the hope and expectation that gaps in this history of the town and the story of its later years will be covered in additional volumes, and any organization or individual publishing a book on the history of Gray is hereby authorized to use the title of the this book with an appropriate volume designation if permission for such use is approved by the Gray Historical Society.
In this volume, I have done my best to verify material where possible. If errors in fact have been included, they are unintentional, and I trust that they will be corrected in future editions and volumes. In general, extracts from old records and manuscripts have been printed with spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and abbreviations as they appeared in the copies of original material available to me. Because of this, the name of the same person may be spelled in more than one way. In a few instances, words have been filled in where manuscripts were illegible but meanings were clear; italics or dashes have been used where meanings were uncertain.
George T. Hill
- The Grant
- Proprietor’s Affairs
- Settlers’ Affairs
- Two Depositions
- The Town
- Roads
- Schools
- Services
- Industry
- Military
- Religious Societies
- Social Activities
- People
- The Cemetery
- Maps
- Lot Numbers & Owners
- Censuses, List from Town Records, Class Lists, and Burial Records
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