
We’ve got lots of projects in the planning phase, so there is always something to do here at the Gray Historical Society. Since we have no paid staff, we rely solely on volunteers to maintain & improve the building, manage collections, respond to inquiries, and otherwise fulfill the goals & objectives of our society.

As you consider whether you might contribute to the success of GHS, give some thought as to your interests and skills; these will help us identify projects that you would most enjoy. Here are some of our current focus areas:

  • Review and index a series of scrapbooks with news articles, photos, obituaries spanning several decades. The goal is to capture key words/topics that will be put into a spreadsheet or database so that the content is more accessible.
  • Paint, clean, and otherwise improve the museum facility;
  • Research historic locations around town to provide and/or update content for our new interactive map of historic buildings/locations;
  • Catalog acquisitions as they are accepted;
  • Assist in responding to email inquiries on any number of topics including building history, burial information, family/individual history, etc.
  • Enter acquisition and item descriptions into our PastPerfect database, again with the goal of creating a repository that is easily searched and improves access to items in our collections;
  • Research for content to post on the new From Our Files posts. This website/Facebook content will focus on images and descriptions in response to our Facebook group’s interests.
  • Clean/tidy/rearrange displays as needed;
  • More…

If this sounds right for YOU, drop us a note and we can get you started!